The Full Body Reset 8 Week Program
Week 2: Finding Ease (The Pelvis)
26th October 2020

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OVERVIEW: This week, we're talking about the pelvis as the centre of the body and:
> Controlling fluid movement of the pelvis
> The coupling of the pelvis and head in movement
> Using the pelvis as an anchor of support for fluid movement above and below
> Exploring a movement practice specifically designed to find ease around the pelvis (think low back and hips)
LIVE SESSION REPLAYS: Note there are two replay videos - the first is the full session recording, the second is just the movement portion of the session if you'd like to revisit that on its own.
RESOURCES: The breathing and relaxation practices are the same as week 1, but you have a new movement snack video below.
The breathing practice (video)
The relaxation practice (audio)